This was in response to a poetry exercise challenge, to use at least twenty Big Words.
Opus Flatus
perfervid sesquipedalianism
polysyllabic periphrasticism
prolonged profligate prolix
(prologue to prepens'd litotes?)
as this poetaster frolics,
O libation of verbiage!
O licentious persiflage!
O laud exculpatory tutelage!
-- that such divagation might ready this hoot:
-- a frequentative of "toot".
Opus Flatus, with translation
Opus > work Flatus > intestinal gas perfervid > extremely fervid, intensely enthusiastic sesquipedalianism > use of big words (lit. use of words-and-a-half) polysyllabic periphrasticism > roundabout speech prolonged profligate > recklessly prodigal, extravagant prolix > extended to unnecessary or tedious length, long and wordy (prologue to prepens'd > prepensed: premeditated, aforethought. litotes?) > litotes: understatement, esp. affirmation by negation of the contrary, from Gr. LITOTES, simplicity as this poetaster > petty poet frolics, O libation > pouring forth, usually of wine in honor of a diety of verbiage! O licentious persiflage! > banter, flippancy O laud > O praise, honor exculpatory > that tending to free from the charge of fault or crime tutelage! > guardianship, state of being tutored -- that such divagation > digression in speech might ready this hoot: "TOOTLE!" > tootle: a frequentative of toot -- a frequentative > a word denoting the frequent repetition of an action expressed by another word, from which it is derived of "toot".